Returns the area under the ROC curve.
Default title is the area under the curve. Default x label is "1 - Specificity". Default y label is "Sensitivity".
Create a RocCurve. classATs are the test statistics that are "supposed" to be bigger, classBTs are the test statistics that are "supposed to be smaller. Both R1 and R2 must be input ranges with elements implicitly convertible to double.
The color of the line. The default is black.
The width of the line. The default is 1.
Error bar width, relative to the total width of the plot. Must be between 0 and 1. If it's out of bounds, it will be set to the default of 0.05. If no error bars are to be drawn, this option is ignored.
The symbol that should be used to denote a data point. Setting this to ' ' (a space) turns off point symbols and plots the line only. By default the point symbol is a space, so no point symbol is plotted..
The color of each point on the plot.
The size of a point. (Default 20).
Factory method for creating a LineGraph. x and y must both be input ranges of the same length, with elements implicitly convertible to doubles. Note that they are copied inside the factory, so changes to the original ranges after calling this factory will not affect the plot.
Convenience factory method that produces a LineGraph with a default X axis numbered 1, 2, ..., N, where N is the number of data points, and no error bars. This is mostly useful for quick and dirty plots.
Create a LineGraph with error bars. lowerErrors and upperErrors must be input ranges with elements implicitly convertible to double for error bars to be shown. Any other value, such as null or 0, will result in no error bars being shown. Therefore, to only show, for example, upper erros, simply pass in null or 0 for the lower errors.
Scale this object by a factor of scaleFactor in the X direction. This is useful for getting it onto the same scale as another plot.
Scale this object by a factor of scaleFactor in the Y direction. * This is useful for getting it onto the same scale as another plot.
Shift this graph by shiftBy units in the X direction. This is useful for getting it onto the same scale as another plot.
Shift this graph by shiftBy units in the Y direction. This is useful for getting it onto the same scale as another plot.
Plots a ROC curve, or a curve with sensitivity on the Y-axis and 1 - specificity on the X-axis. This is a useful metric for determining how well a test statistic discriminates between two classes. The following assumptions are made in this implementation:
1. For some cutoff value c and test statistic T, your decision rule is of the form "Class A if T larger than c, Class B if T smaller than c".
2. In the case of ties, i.e. if class A and class B both have an identical value, linear interpolation is used. This is because changing the value of c infinitesimally will change both sensitivity and specificity in these cases.