The color of the y = x line that indicates identical distributions. The default is red.
The width of the line that indicates identical distributions. The default is 2.
Default x label is "Theoretical Quantiles". Default y label is "Empirical Quantiles".
Create a QQPlot. dataRange must be an input range with elements implicitly convertible to doubles. quantileFunction must be a callable (function pointer, delegate, functor, etc.) mapping any number between 0 and 1 to its quantile.
The color of each point on the plot.
The symbol that should be used on the plot. x and o work pretty well. The default is x.
The size of a point. (Default 10).
Factory method for creating a ScatterPlot. x and y must both be input ranges of the same length, with elements implicitly convertible to doubles. Note that they are copied inside the factory, so changes to the original ranges after calling this factory will not affect the plot.
Convenience factory that produces a ScatterPlot with a default X axis numbered 1, 2, ..., N where N is the number of points. Mostly useful for quick and dirty plots.
Plots the quantiles of a set of data on the Y axis against the theoretical qualtiles or the quantiles of another set of data on the X axis.