
This is the GUI-agnostic base class for a Subplot. See the Subplot class, which derives from this class and has a few GUI-specific things added.

Subplot objects allows for one or more subplots to be created in a single window or a single file. Each subplot is represented by a FigureBase. In the default plot window, double-clicking on any subplot zooms in on it. Double-clicking again zooms out.



This addFigure(FigureBase[] toAdd...)
This addFigure(F[] toAdd)

Add a figure to the subplot using the default layout, which is as follows:

This addFigure(FigureBase fig, uint row, uint col)

Add a figure to the subplot in the given row and column.

FigureBase zoomedFigure()

Returns the zoomed figure, or null if no figure is currently zoomed.

Static functions

Subplot opCall(uint nRows, uint nColumns)

Create an instance with nRows rows and nColumns columns.

Subplot opCall()

Create an empty Subplot instance.

Inherited Members

From FigureBase

void saveToFile(string filename, string type, double width = 0, double height = 0)

Saves this figure to a file. The file type can be one of either the raster formats .png, .jpg, .tiff, and .bmp, or the vector formats .pdf, .svg and .eps. The width and height parameters allow you to specify explicit width and height parameters for the image file. If width and height are left at their default values of 0, the default width and height of the subclass being saved will be used.

void saveToFile(string filename, double width = 0, double height = 0)

Convenience function that infers the type from the filename extenstion and defaults to .png if no valid file format extension is found.

FigureWidget toWidget()

Creates a Widget that will have this object drawn to it. This Widget can be displayed in a window.

void showAsMain()

Draw and display the figure as a main form. This is useful in otherwise console-based apps that want to display a few plots. However, you can't have another main form up at the same time.

gtk.Window.Window getDefaultWindow()

Returns a default plot window with this figure in it.


1 auto histFig = Histogram(someNumbers, 10).toFigure;
2 auto scatterFig = ScatterPlot(someNumbers, someMoreNumbers).toFigure;
3 auto sub = SubPlot(1, 2);  // 1 row, 2 columns.
4 sub.addPlot(histFig, 0, 0);  // Add the histogram in the 0th row, 0th column.
5 sub.addPlot(scatterFig, 0, 1);  // Ditto.
6 sub.showAsMain();
