
Factory method to instantiate this class with predetermined limits. This allows nums to be an input range instead of a forward range, since no pass is necessary to compute the limits.

This function both obeys and permanently sets whatever bounds behavior is specified (throwing or ignoring on out of bounds numbers). The default behavior is to throw. Rationale: Errors should only pass silently if explicitly silenced.

  1. Histogram opCall(R nums, uint nBin)
  2. Histogram opCall(R nums, uint nBin, double leftLim, double rightLim, OutOfBounds outOfBoundsBehavior = OutOfBounds.throwException)
    class Histogram
    if (
    isInputRange!R &&
    is(ElementType!R : double)
  3. Histogram opCall(I nBin, double leftLim, double rightLim, OutOfBounds outOfBoundsBehavior = OutOfBounds.Throw)
